Saturday 17 March 2018

Industrial IoT Training, Course in Kerala & Certified Internet of Things Expert

Internet of Things (IOT) certification consists of industry standard course which includes not only theoretical understanding of the different sensors, cloud platform and gateways, but also hands-on integration of IoT components with Cloud platform. With the help of this course Enzapps provides, you can gain in-depth knowledge of IoT applications and can build your own end-to-end solutions. The Internet of Things (IoT) is considered as a new era in science and technology, which will forever change our personal as well as professional lives.IoT extends computing and Internet connectivity from the most used devices like desktop and portable computers, smartphones and tablets to various variants of devices and everyday things, which is the attractive training course we are choosed to be in Enzapps.The data captured on these devices through sensors reveals interesting patterns with latent business values.

The ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) is a term coined to describe the network and communication between multiple internet-enabled and every-day devices. These devices transmit and collect data via Bluetooth signals, beacons, and the cloud, respectively.  It started out as a question, or an idea, that simply asked, “Can a device with an embedded sensor, communicate with a person or another machine to send and receive data?”
Or more simply, “Can a Coca Cola vending machine, running low on inventory, communicate with an off-site inventory supplier, via the internet, to order more Coke?”  This year we will have about 5 billion connected devices and will continue to grow exponentially over the next few years to about 50 billion connected devices.

These devices will live in our homes as smart appliances, such as ovens, thermostats, and smart TV’s to name a few.  Furthermore, IoT will be very useful in the marketing industry for tracking the purchase funnel, consumer location awareness, customized targeting, and much more.

Friday 16 March 2018

Industrial Python Training, Course in Kerala & Become a certified Python Expert.
Enzapps Provides Industrial Phyton Training

The eventual fate of Python: Concurrency ate up, Node.js next on menu Programming dialect continues getting fatter in the midst of clumsy variant 3 split

Despite the fact that scarcely a draw for a general intrigue gathering of people, the theme – an examination of multithreaded and multiprocess programming systems – ends up being integral to the eventual fate of Python.

Since 2008, the Python people group has endeavored to accommodate contradiction between Python 2 and recently presented Python 3.

For quite a long time, reception of Python 3 was moderate and some even set out to recommend Python didn't have a future. As late as a year ago, Zed Shaw, a proficient engineer and creator of the well known Learn Python the Hard Way, even dared to opine, "There is a high likelihood thatPython 3 is such a disappointment it will slaughter Python."

In spite of these unconfirmed chances, Shaw – a polarizing figure for some Pythonistas – this year discharged a rendition of his book for Python 3.

Python stays a standout amongst the most prevalent programming dialects. It positioned first in IEEE Spectrum's best programming dialects for 2017, third in Redmonk's June 2017 positioning, and fifth in Tiobe's August record. Also, it keeps on being prescribed for those new to composing code.

It may even be contended that Python is resurgent, because of its utility for information science and machine learning ventures. Since all the well known Python bundles have been ported to Python 3, questions about the dialect have subsided away from plain sight.

In any case, there's a contradiction. JavaScript is likewise exceedingly well known, more so than Python by Redmonk's measure. Also, it has a few favorable circumstances when managing programs and interfaces. In April, Stanford started testing a rendition of its initial programming course educated in JavaScript rather than Java.

Python and JavaScript are broadly utilized as a part of part since they're less demanding to get than Java, C, C++, and C#. Both have dynamic groups that compose and keep up an expansive number of libraries. What's more, neither has a solid corporate connection, the way Java has with Oracle, C# has with Microsoft, and Swift has with Apple.

It's excessively oversimplified, making it impossible to state that the two dialects are contending with each other, however there's some of that, especially now that Python is concentrating on occasion driven programming.
 Enzapps has outlined this Python training course in such a way that it begins with the basic concepts of programming and works upward to full-fledged Python applications development.Python is a widely used high-level programming language for general-purpose programming. Python's elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms. Python is a widely used high-level programming language created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. It one of the most expressive languages which has Rapid Application Development features which help developers to work quickly and efficiently. Being a general-purpose high-level language, it is considered a standard among scientific researchers. And it also has a large and comprehensive standard library. There is no wonder Python has been conferred the title 'The Darling of Software Developers'Formore

Thursday 15 March 2018

Virtual Reality (VR) - Augmented Reality (AR) Software Developemnt Training

Virtual-Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. Unlike traditional user interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds. By simulating as many senses as possible, such as vision, hearing, touch, even smell, the computer is transformed into a gatekeeper to this artificial world. The only limits to near-real VR experiences are the availability of content and cheap computing power.

 Virtual Reality’s most immediately recognizable component is the head-mounted display (HMD). Human beings are visual creatures, and display technology is often the single biggest difference between immersive Virtual Reality systems and traditional user interfaces. For instance, CAVE automatic virtual environments actively display virtual content onto room-sized screens. While they are fun for people in universities and big labs, consumer and industrial wearables are the wild west.

Future Trends

·          Virtual reality brings new way to intraction and experiences in the digital world.
·          Virtual reality apps will require real-time interaction with cloud-based servers
·          Virtual reality software that will bridge the gap between old and new way of sport gaming

What we offer

·          Product of VR- Virtual technology
·          Virtual Reality Training
·          Virtual Reality Softwares
·          Virtual Architectural
·          Virtual Reality Shopping

Virtual Reality is an intriguing method to movement utilizing simply the energy of innovation. It is the PC created recreation of a three-dimensional picture or condition that can be cooperated with in an apparently genuine or physical path by a man utilizing unique electronic hardware, for example, a protective cap with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors. The reason for VR is to enable a man to involvement and control the earth as though it were this present reality. The best virtual truths can drench the client totally. Virtual reality ought not be mistaken for basic 3-D conditions like those found in PC diversions, where you get the opportunity to understanding and control the earth through a symbol, instead of specifically winding up some portion of the virtual world. This Virtual Reality course provided in Enzapps will give you the fundamentalknowledge of the exponentially growing technology of virtual reality and its industrial applications.


Most augmented reality applications, a client will see both manufactured and regular light.Augmented reality gadgets are regularly independent, implying that not at all like the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive VR headsets, they are totally untethered and needn't bother with a link or personal computer to work. Reality utilizes your current common habitat and essentially overlays virtual data over it.Increased reality gadgets are essentially small scale supercomputers stuffed into minor wearable gadgets. These gadgets require huge PC handling power and use a large number of similar parts that our cell phones do.These organizations build up the product to make AR items, and also possess end-client items. Such stages incorporate systems, motors, SDKs, instruments.Increased Realty is a live perspective of this present reality straightforwardly or in a roundabout way. Likewise called intervened reality, it changes reality utilizing propelled advancements.

Augmented Reality (AR) Augmented reality has many different implementation models and applications, but its primary objective is to provide a rich audiovisual experience. AR works by employing computerized simulation and techniques such as image and speech recognition, animation, head-mounted and hand-held devices and powered display environments to add a virtual display on top of real images and surroundings.
  Augmented reality (AR) is a type of interactive reality-based display environment that takes the capabilities of computer generated display sound text and effects to enhance the user's real-world experience.Augmented reality combines real and computer-based scenes and images to deliver a unified but enhanced view of the world.

Future Trends

·          VR is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment.
·          Users can Interact with 3D worlds
·          VR places the user inside an experience

What we Provides

·          Product of AR Training
·          Virtual Reality Softwares Training
·          Augmented Architectural
·          Augmented Reality Training
·          Augmented Reality Shopping

Nowadays, VR and AR play a big role in the field of technology. Virtual reality is an artificial environment presented to the user in such a way that the user experiences a real environment. It is created through a software. We can experience virtual reality through sight and sound. Virtual reality have application in various fields such as military, healthcare, fashion, business, sport, education, scientific Visualization, Heritage, Engineering, Telecommunications, Film, Media etc. Virtual reality training involves the use of head mounted displays (HMD) and data gloves to enable military personnel to interact with objects within a virtual environment.
Virtual reality is often used as a diagnostic tool in that it enables doctors to arrive at a diagnosis in conjunction with other methods such as MRI scans. This removes the need for invasive procedures or surgery. Robotic surgery is another example. Also virtual reality is one of the methods for a live fashion show. For business purpose, VR is used for helding meeting at different locations. In the field of sports .VR is used as one of the main training agent. Imagine the field of scientific visualization in which VR can be used for representation of graphics, which helps views for more satisfaction. Checking errors in construction field and in programming languages, it should be essential now. Main role of Virtual reality is that it can make entertaining videos with much more visual effects. So that It can be useful not only for media purpose, but also for education purpose and so on.
Augmented reality does not create artificial environment, but it can play with the existing environment and overlays feature on it. Likewise VR, AR also found applications in various fields. In the field of medicine, AR used in order for making the surgery easier, can be possible through visualization method. GPS systems use augmented realityto make it easier to get from point A to point B. There are a number of applications for augmented reality in the sightseeing and tourism industries. Computer gaming become more impressive due to these AR feature. Likewise AR and VR turn into a piece of human life For more

Thursday 8 March 2018

How Information Technology will change our lives?

Over the past few years technology has taken over the world. Technology is vital in today’s world and makes everything easier. Some examples are the computer, television, cell phone, and video game systems etc. Technology has influenced people and their daily lives.

Education has enhanced in schools and today learning as well as teaching has improved and became easier. Technology has also helped children with learning by providing computers and so on. Computers allow access to multiple programs as well through the internet. The programs created by Microsoft have greatly improved education. Work can be done  faster by using Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word spell-checks and corrects the work, which makes the preparation of content more easier for students. PowerPoint and Excel have improved the overall work. It provides an easy way to present and stay organized with charts, graphs etc.

Technology has undoubtedly become a fixture in our society. Everything that we do and interact with during the day involves high-tech in some capacity. It might be nice to occasionally unplug from our technology-saturated world. Technology has brought about countless societal advancements and benefits that we might not even realize or take advantage.

Technology promotes education. Students have an easier time engaging with technology, when learning new concepts, over any other method. The use of digital tools in the classroom has increased significantly in the past year. Natural disasters are increasing no matter what precautions are taken, but the recent development of mobile technology might help keep more people safe, and in some cases, even save people’s lives in the wake of events like hurricanes.

Technology exists since machineries started to be invented and nowadays we can communicate through many things, and technology improves our life.They can Improves Communication, because without technology communication at this level, wouldn’t exist. Many years ago, communication was resumed at sending letters, communicating through radio waves and military codes etc. Communication was so poor and people had hard time sending information, from one city to another. Since the appearance of phones, mobile phones and computers, we managed to create a global communication through the development of the greatest technology.

Technology helps us talk at great distances; communicate online, talk with people from the entire world in these virtual world. Nowadays people can make businesses more quickly without any effort. Technology includes many more inventions that help us communicate and make our life easier. For example computers, internet, cell phone telephony, laptops, Gps`s, satellites, cable etc.

Using our device to receive news updates and even watch videos can be supremely helpful during times of crisis. Likewise, technology also help us to stay safe. 

Computers have made job searching and getting a job stress-free through the advanced network. People can go on a company’s website and apply right then. People can as well send resumes online through email to a company which makes job seeking easier for all which also allows quick and easy replies to getting the job. Technological change can bring about advantages and opportunities for businesses also. New technology can create new products and services, thereby creating entire new markets for a business. Improvements in technological products and processes can increase productivity and reduce costs.

Technology has made an impact on retail. Now-a-days people do not need to leave their houses in order to get what they want due to the development in technology. For example, there is no more need to go to the mall if one can order clothes and any wanted  online. There is no longer any need to get tired from walking around the malls. Telephones have also improved the lives of people by making communication   more easier. Now people can keep in touch with others in every corner of the world with just the dial of a button.

Cell phones have as well made this a lot easier by allowing a call to be made from anywhere. Texting has developed though cell phones allowing communication quiet easier. Latest technology include Fibre Optics, Cellphone technology, Personal Computing, Nano Robots, Satellite Communications, Solar Cells, the Internet of Things. These technologies not only make improvements in life of people but also in the whole world too. For more

Top technology 2018

It is true that new technologies have great impact on the world. Technology has had made great change on relationships in business, education and social life. Telephones and the Internet allow business people in different countries to interact without ever meeting each other. Then the services like Skype create new possibilities for relationships between students and teachers. A student can now take video lessons with a teacher in a different city or country. Also, many people use social networks, like Facebook, to make new friends and find people who share common interests, and they interact through their computers rather than face to face.

Nowadays, interactions by email, phone or video are almost as good as face-to-face meetings, and many of us benefit from these interactions, either in work or social contexts due to the development in new technology. The availability of new communication technologies can also have the result of isolating people and discouraging real interaction.  The world of tech is always evolving. The latest revolutionary technologies include a lot. Microwaves are used by people looking to heat up their food in a hurry, but what about when you need something frozen quickly. In comes Frigondas, the most amazing home kitchen technology which can cool and freeze food and drinks in mere minutes, and it even doubles as a traditional microwave. The RED Smartphone provides a Holographic Screen, allowing us to View Videos From Multiple Angles. A Wristband That Can Tell us If we're Too Drunk To Drive or not. The society has been dramatically changed with the evolution of technology and through the Before  modern day technology, life was burdensome and everyday chores consumed too much of our time. Lots of opportunities are being provided by technologies play an important role in human life. The access to education, medicine, industry, transportation etc. has been simplified due to modern day technology which provide easy for the human needs. Due to the convenience and efficiency provided by technology, our lives have improved significantly and so on

The Homepod, Apple's latest attempt at changing the way we listen to music forever and here the voice controlled smart speakers are the first to be fully integrated with Siri and Apple Music. The speaker hardware special sensors to visualize the room it's in and adapt it's settings to emit the best acoustic experience possible. Likewise there include lot of upcoming technology. Modern technology has revolutionized the way people all over the world to communicate and interact. This revolution has led to a system of globalization which has fundamentally changed modern society.

The most important technological change over the past 20 years due to the Internet. The Internet connects billions of people around the globe and also allows a type of connectivity in ways which the world has never seen. Companies are able to do business with consumers from other countries instantaneously, friends and families are able to talk to one another and see each other regardless of location, and information sits at the fingertips of every person with a computer, tablet or phone due to the development of technology. Modern Technology has had one goal in mind, they provide professional quality work through customer satisfaction. For more

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Trends in it technology

The technology trends of 2017 were big and impactful. Artificial intelligence (AI) topping the charts, along with on-demand workforce platforms and designing for the human experience. Technology is set to shift an even bigger focus on the internet of things (IoT), AI and machine learning in 2018. One of the main trend include Intelligent apps.

There are many social media channels these days, an increase in apps that will make it easy to repurpose content across multiple platforms. We have already seen many apps perfect the photo editing process with filters and sophisticated features in 2017 and now in 2018, video editing will become a lot easier through the phone, simplifying the process of creating advanced videos.

The internet of things can be found in almost any industry now here everything is becoming smart. Whether we’re in our car, at home, in the office or shopping, we’re likely interacting with smart technology. This trend will continue to become more pervasive in 2018 as the proven technology moves from popular segments, like the home, into other areas.
Artificial intelligence continues to be at the forefront of tech discussions, conferences, development now. There will be a major AI breakthrough in 2018 that could change how businesses evolve and interact with customers. 
Machine learning has been getting into all technologies which is one of the main trend . Apple also launched machine learning for iOS apps and here all platforms are adding it to make life and software more intelligent and advanced. Machine learning will take over mindless, repetitive and time-consuming tasks and can make drivers better drivers, doctors better doctors and students better educated.

Influencer marketing has gotten so big in 2017. The ease with which companies can engage in influencer marketing, combined with its powerful network effects and viral nature, clearly come as the No. 1 in our mind. There are many tech trends on the rise, but  the real game-changer for 2018 will be something unexpected that isn’t on our radar yet. Account-based marketing initiatives are going to get seriously sophisticated and this is not a new technique in terms of sales utilizing it. Now, with the degree of reach and targeting that businesses can narrow in on, we have a phenomenal opportunity to build technologies that serve these types of initiatives, especially for those that have long high-value sales cycles.

 Account-based marketing helped shape marketing budgets in 2017, and as we move into 2018 we see a shift in digital budgets toward various word-of-mouth and referral initiatives. This includes influencer marketing, referral and advocate programs, affiliate marketing and partner programs and so on. Today, video is becoming the most popular and influential form of digital content for businesses. Marketers are heavily relying more on creating video content  as our attention spans decrease .

In 2018, VR, AR and 360-degree videos could be the next tech trend to utilize since they can be great for showcasing a virtual tour of our business or preview our products and services.  Blockchain, which is considered as the distributed ledger used for cryptocurrency, is making waves in many industries, including payments, contracts, cloud storage, real estate and brokerage. It’s set to do even more in 2018. As more industries are starting to understand its benefit there. While voice search and voice command have been around for many years now, 2017 was the first year in which the level of sophistication move to a place where it’s actually driving user adoption.

The year 2018 will bring with it more frequent use of voice-driven technologies.  Google making a strong push to improve its technology to catch up to the lead taken by Amazon likewise e commerce sites. Blockchain, the technology underlying the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, made a huge splash. Many predict this technology will be used to address other challenges, including supply-chain auditing and identity management.  The game surrounding customer activity is changing very rapidly in favor of automation from support chatbots to social bots. Facebook has led the charge by improving the messenger. Cybersecurity shaped 2017,which occur as the other topmost trend. For more

Software auditing process

A software audit is the internal or external review of  software program. These is used to check its quality, progress, standards, regulations etc. Many organizations uses the risk of being auditing. A comprehensive software audit examines not only license compliance, but also software utilization.  For many reasons, software audits may be conducted. Verifying licensing compliance, Monitoring for quality assurance (QA), Compliance with industry standards, Satisfying legal requirements etc are some of them. Internal audits can be useful for improving efficiency, catching inactive licenses that can be dropped and finding problems before they can become licensing or regulatory issues in a third-party review for the organization.

   Third-party review mainly focuses on software used beyond licensed rights, and external reviewers. It won’t usually care if some licenses are unused. These different priorities mean it is advisable for an organization inorder to conduct internal reviews prior to external audits. Software audits are often important. It is considered as one of the main thing to be required. However, audits can be disruptive to a company's development. And also it have a chance for causing financial strain on a project because of unbudgeted costs.

   Teams and management may be required to consult with auditors to ensure the process to complete and to be accurate. This can take away from time spent on work. Since time is important, organizations should refrain from overdoing audits. And executives should understand how, why and when audits are conducted so they can best prepare for them. An organization usually contracts with third-party reviewers and teams to provide independent verification of a software program’s compliance which include all the development plans, industry standards, best practices and legal practices.

  Compliance audits may focus on adherence to IEEE standards and also the legal regulatory compliance. This kind of audit focus is especially important in the case of software. Information technology use has increased dramatically in recent years. It produces multitude of information systems and underlying databases. The more number of users and implementations of this technology have generated terabytes of data. The data in which it is incomplete or inaccurate.

  There are  many other ways that an enhanced audit approach can improve audit effectiveness. One of it include the automation which reduces auditor effort while providing greater coverage through full population or targeted sampling testing. Remote auditing allows members of audit teams to be distributed geographically and  to take advantage of knowledge concentration. For more