Wednesday 28 February 2018

Deployment planning should start post uat sign off

Deployment is considered as the critical phase of the project. They also determines the overall success of the project. The purpose of release and deployment planning is to; Define and agree release and deployment plans with customers/stakeholders. Then ensure that each release package consists of a set of related assets and service components that are compatible with each other. The ensure that integrity of a release package and its constituent components is maintained throughout the transition activities and recorded accurately in the configuration management system.

Ensure that all release and deployment packages can be tracked, installed, tested, verified, and/or uninstalled or backed out, if appropriate. Ensure that change is managed during the release and deployment activities. Record and manage deviations, risks, issues related to the new or changed service, and take necessary corrective action. Ensure that there is knowledge transfer to enable the customers and users to optimise their use of the service to support their business activities.Ensure before the deployment we  have prepared the deployment schedule and have a sign-off on availability of various stakeholders involved in the deployment. It is important that the deployment schedule is prepared while in UAT phase and not have the deployment activities. It is suggested not to have new requirements/enhancements implemented after the completion of User Acceptance testing. They can  affect the deployment schedule. 

Never do the deployments on Friday, we encourage the major deployments to be done on Monday so that we have a full week to monitor the new changes in production. During the preparation phase of the deployment few points to be considered pre-deployment are  Creating Users in production, Setting up Org wide defaults for the standard objects,Installing any 3rd party AppExchange apps, Salesforce configurations like setting default workflow user, lead owner, Case owner, enabling Chatter, Email deliverability, Salesforce to Outlook configurations, Enabling multiple currencies, configuring IP ranges for the organisation etc. Other steps include Creating and Publishing communities, Taking backup of the existing data, Ensure the code coverage is more than 75%, Prepare a checklist of all the items to be deployed, Prepare change management document, Turn off the email notifications sent automatically via workflows and so on.

 The most important process is to create the change sets with all the components involved in deployment and get the change set verified in production. If the deployment activities are well planned ahead of time, it gives the team sufficient time to verify all the components of change set before actual deployment to take place. Have to  send out a notification to all the users suggesting down time before the actual deployment. It is necessary that the users are communicated beforehand of the downtime along with the new changes/enhancements they might expect when they login post deployment.

If the change sets are already validated in production as part of preparation process, it just needs to be deployed for the actual deployment. The deployment may take few hours since all the test classes will run against the new enhancements in some complex org. Please have sufficient buffer time for the actual deployment. We would do the sanity testing in production to ensure if everything is working according to the requirement and in line with the user stories provided during the requirements. The post deployment sanity checks also helps in identifying if there was any miss during the deployment.

The users should be notified after the sanity testing so that they can start using the live environment and so on. It is must that the system should be monitored for a week before getting sign off on the deployment. There is no foolproof process to follow the deployment process. Following these steps will definitely reduce the risks assoicated with the deployment and will ensure a successful deployment. For more

What does an infrastructure project manager do?

An infrastructure project manager  is responsible for managing the project’s schedule and plan, ensuring it adheres as close to the project baseline in the case of linear infrastructure construction projects, Also there involves creating the plan and schedule, optimizing it for maximum output, mitigating variables and risks caused by both internal & external challenges, ensuring the plan stays updated and communicating project updates to stakeholders and field staff etc. The simplest answer is that the project manager’s job is to reduce risk, and one of the ways that can be done is by using a linear infrastructure project management tool,

They can work on, and work to resolve  the manual maintenance of inventory and asset tracking information of both standard and custom home-grown business-critical applications. IT infrastructure managers help to organize projects related to computer network infrastructures and they are responsible for ensuring the project stays within the confines of the time restraints and allotted budget of the company. They can also develop the plans as expectations or goals change, while acting as a communicator between the IT team and supervisors.

 An IT infrastructure management job is the project coordinator position for individuals with a background in computer network infrastructures. Infrastructure project manager are in charge of and responsible for overseeing the continual programming of IT services for a company or firm. In this position, we should maintain a positive and fluid alignment between business strategy and technology. They should also responsible for managing IT staff and overseeing budgets.

A standard
IT infrastructure consists of the following components such as
Hardware including Servers, computers, data centers, switches, hubs and routers. Then the
software including enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), productivity applications. Network which includes network enablement, Internet connectivity, firewall and security and the Meatware. Here there includes the human users, such as network administrators (NA), developers, designers and generic end users with access to any IT appliance or service etc.  They are also part of an IT infrastructure, specifically with the advent of user-centric IT service development. I.T infrastructure Project Manager manages projects related to all the infrastructure components data center consolidation, migration, colocation, moving existing apps to the cloud, adopting a cloud based solution for the company's existing infrastructure to decrease cost, complexity etc taken as the workdone by them.

He is also responsible for the networking side of the infrastructure like upgrading the company's current network and expanding or moving to the cloud. Software side projects could be like upgrading the current CRM, ERP etc integrating tools to the current software  and so on.
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What is deployment plan in weblogic?

deployment plan is an XML document  and it is used to define an application's deployment configuration for a specific WebLogic Server environment which includes development, test, or production etc. The most commonly used application packages are Java Archive (jar) , Web Archive (war) or Enterprise Archive (ear)  in JavaEE world . They includes the  application servers to deploy JavaEE application using above packages, standard rules (based on the archive option) needs to be followed to create folder structure to keep application specific java classes, dependent libraries or deployment descriptors etc. Most commonly used deployment descriptor files are Web Archive, Java Archive, Enterprise Archive etc. Developers describe their application information’s and provides instructions to application server to deploy them accordingly through deployment descriptors.

All Java EE application servers provides an implementation to JSR-88. We can change our application behavior at runtime without modifying any deployment descriptor and rebuilding our application package, which is called as a "Deployment Plan".  For example, EJB is bundled in Java Archive (jar), deployment descriptor are supplied under META-INF/ejb-jar.xml and META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml. Application is deployed as an Enterprise Archive (ear).

Deployment plan working include many steps to reach the finalconfiguring. Steps include Prepare plan XML file and give it a name. Also Plan XML file which should contain the informations we want to override at runtime. In our case, its a ejb-class name. Deployment plan is nothing but a special XML file which can be prepared to instruct application server to use along with the package archive .Here the informations in plan xml file overrides one specified in deployment descriptor. Next steps include Save plan xml file at some location on the same machine where application server is running. Then Log into administration console ---> Deployment. After that Click on "Change Path" button and navigate to the file where you have saved plan.xml file. Select redeploy and finish and now, application server will redeploy the application using "Deployment Plan" we specified. Then we will see application is deployed successfully. Just to make sure, what is the EJB class being used, click on EJB Module and Configuration for the final configuration.

When an administrator or deployer receives a new application, or the new version of an application, from development or quality assurance teams, the application is usually configured for a development or testing environment. The application may use specific resource names and performance tuning settings that match the available resources on the target servers used in the development or QA environments where the application was last deployed.
J2EE deployment descriptors define the fundamental organization and behavior of a J2EE application or module. Each J2EE application and module requires a specific J2EE deployment descriptor. WebLogic Server deployment descriptors define the resource dependencies and also tuning parameters that an application uses in a specific WebLogic Server environment.
For the purposes of a production deployment, we should treat both the J2EE and WebLogic Server deployment descriptors as part of the application’s source code, which is owned by our development team. Its must to not edit application deployment descriptors in order to configure an application for deployment to a production environment. But instead, persist configuration changes into a WebLogic Server deployment plan. For more

Tuesday 27 February 2018

How does Technology improves our lives?

Technology is the usage and knowledge of toolstechniques, craftssystems and methods of organization in order to solve a problem or serve some purpose. We use Technology in many ways that improved our daily lives. It was created to make our lives easier and faster, with the development of technology. Nowadays technology play the great role in developing and improving giving people more idea’s to expand inventions and make the old inventions better and more useful for their community and the world. Technology helped improve our lives in many ways like in education, health etc.

Technology has undoubtedly become a fixture in our society. Everything that we do and interact with during the day involves high-tech in some capacity. It might be nice to occasionally unplug from our technology-saturated world. Technology has brought about countless societal advancements and benefits that we might not even realize or take advantage.

Technology promotes education. Students have an easier time engaging with technology, when learning new concepts, over any other method. The use of digital tools in the classroom has increased significantly in the past year. Natural disasters are increasing no matter what precautions are taken, but the recent development of mobile technology might help keep more people safe, and in some cases, even save people’s lives in the wake of events like hurricanes.

Technology exists since machineries started to be invented and nowadays we can communicate through many things, and technology improves our life.They can Improves Communication, because without technology communication at this level, wouldn’t exist. Many years ago, communication was resumed at sending letters, communicating through radio waves and military codes etc. Communication was so poor and people had hard time sending information, from one city to another. Since the appearance of phones, mobile phones and computers, we managed to create a global communication through the development of the greatest technology.

Technology helps us talk at great distances; communicate online, talk with people from the entire world in these virtual world. Nowadays people can make businesses more quickly without any effort. Technology includes many more inventions that help us communicate and make our life easier. For example computers, internet, cell phone telephony, laptops, Gps`s, satellites, cable etc.
Using our device to receive news updates and even watch videos can be supremely helpful during times of crisis. Likewise, technology also help us to stay safe. Technology makes us keep connected, we can contact with people in any corner of the world. Also through entertainment, technology makes us more fun. For more

How Information Technology will change the world?

Over the past few years technology has taken over the world. Technology is vital in today’s world and makes everything easier. Some examples are the computer, television, cell phone, and video game systems etc. Technology has influenced people and their daily lives.

Education has enhanced in schools and today learning as well as teaching has improved and became easier. Technology has also helped children with learning by providing computers and so on. Computers allow access to multiple programs as well through the internet. The programs created by Microsoft have greatly improved education. Work can be done  faster by using Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word spell-checks and corrects the work, which makes the preparation of content more easier for students. PowerPoint and Excel have improved the overall work. It provides an easy way to present and stay organized with charts, graphs etc.

Computers have made job searching and getting a job stress-free through the advanced network. People can go on a company’s website and apply right then. People can as well send resumes online through email to a company which makes job seeking easier for all which also allows quick and easy replies to getting the job. Technological change can bring about advantages and opportunities for businesses also. New technology can create new products and services, thereby creating entire new markets for a business. Improvements in technological products and processes can increase productivity and reduce costs.

Technology has made an impact on retail. Now-a-days people do not need to leave their houses in order to get what they want due to the development in technology. For example, there is no more need to go to the mall if one can order clothes and any wanted  online. There is no longer any need to get tired from walking around the malls. Telephones have also improved the lives of people by making communication   more easier. Now people can keep in touch with others in every corner of the world with just the dial of a button.

Cell phones have as well made this a lot easier by allowing a call to be made from anywhere. Texting has developed though cell phones allowing communication quiet easier. Latest technology include Fibre Optics, Cellphone technology, Personal Computing, Nano Robots, Satellite Communications, Solar Cells, the Internet of Things. These technologies not only make improvements in life of people but also in the whole world too. For more

Information Technology Service

Technology services are services that make use of modern technology and so on. Examples include Internet service providers (ISPs), Web hosts, and technical support companies etc.  Many technology services are related to information technology, they are sometimes called information technology services.

The Information Technology today is rightly called the Technology of the Century as it has found its application  in every corner of the world.  Information Technology, as expected, has brought about a sea change in the functioning of our world. New developments and emerging in Information Technology includes a lot. Internet Of Things and Nano sensors are one of them. 

Growing technology doesn’t need plummeting gadgets instead requires the higher tech gadgets which can be easily occupied with IOT and some of the nano sensors in gadgets. Information technology trends include roadmap for achieving the vision of artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, evolutionary computing, information retrieval, computational neuroscience and bioscience, soft computing, human computer interface issues, and so forth.

                                  We know that Information technology (IT) is the application of computers to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, or information, also involves installing, organizing and maintaining computer systems as well as designing and operating networks and databases etc

                              Nowadays, people use information technology in new ways,  it has applications in almost all aspects of our daily life. Some important applications are given; Business & Commerce, Education, Medicine, Entertainment etc. In business industry, Information technology provides the opportunity to analyse specific information and plan of a  business. That can allow many channels to communicate with the consumer via email, webinar, social media, member portals, online newsletters and text or multimedia messaging through mobile phones.

IT is driven by the demands of the new, competitive business environment on the one hand and profound changes in the nature of computers in the other. Information Technology systems come in the shape of many technologically advanced devices which help deliver important information to managers  and thus they use this information to make crucial decision regarding the operations of their organization. For more

Monday 26 February 2018

What does a software company do?

A software company makes software and sells software. Doing this requires several people the process includes a team of programmers to actually write the software, a manager for the team, possibly user interface designers, definitely business, marketing, and financial people to make sure that the company makes money as well as software.

There are one- and two-person software companies out there, but they’re very rare and the people who do that are usually extremely experienced programmers with good business sense.In most cases they’ve worked at or run larger companies in the past and are just looking for something different. Software engineers are involved in the design and development of many types of software, which includes software for operating systems and network distribution, and software for compilers . Software engineers instruct a computer, line by line, how to perform a desired function in programming. They also possess strong programming skills, but are often more concerned with developing algorithms and analyzing and solving programming problems than with actually writing code.

Typically software engineers, working in applications or systems development, analyze first the needs of the user in a software company. They then design, construct, test, and maintain computer applications software or systems etc to meet these needs. Systems software engineers work for companies that configure, implement, and install complete computer system, these engineers may be members of the marketing or sales staff, serving as the primary technical resource for sales workers and customers. They may also be involved with technical support to the company's customers who are considered as the essential employee in a company.

Since the selling of complex computer systems often requires substantial customization for the purchaser's organization, here software engineers help to explain the requirements necessary for installing and operating the new system in the purchaser's computing environment. One of the major responsibilities of systems software engineers is ensuring the best proper level of security across the systems they are configuring. They all included in the software company for the best and satisfiable works. For more

What is an IT company? What does it do?

IT support  company is comprised of professional IT specialists. They make up the company’s core IT team. Tech teams are the major part of IT support companies. And also they provide the business with expert guidance and management for a variety of information technology needs.

 IT teams are knowledgeable about general computer systems, cloud platforms, electronic hardware, device networking, and software applications and so on.Each member of an IT team also has his or her own unique skills and areas of expertise. Technicians on call provide first level support by phone or email for problems experienced by users. A good IT team is able to offer us a large selection of IT support services covering any and all IT demands your business could possibly have. IT support companies mainly work in two ways include fixing immediate IT problems and implementing preventative measures against future IT problems. IT support companies create an IT strategy for our company that works in tandem with our business strategy. IT managed services are not just about fixing tech stuff, but are intelligent IT solutions to our current and future business needs. IT managed services aim to boost our business efficiency and productivity, giving us higher earnings and higher client satisfaction.
By IT support companies Network maintenance and management forms a large portion of the work handled. The well-designed network provides access to company data from all authorized workstations in the firm. The network is monitored remotely around the clock to keep it operations to optimize the network up-time and efficiency. Network security protocols help to defend our IT systems from hackers, viruses, and spyware. An IT support company should have an excellent working knowledge of hardware and software structures and also they manage software patches, security features, and all necessary updates for our company’s workstations. For more

How does technology work Today?

Every workplace in the whole earth can benefit from technology. Even a small plumbing business with three employees can also use software to track clients and document all aspects of work. Software is designed to save time and energy, it's important to remember that technology can erase the human touch if it’s carried too far. Accounting and marketing software programs are the most useful ones to help small and large businesses.

Technology is advancing at a phenomenal pace. Through the various industries and markets, technology has helped today’s workforce to work smarter. Today we are working smarter as a global workforce, but we’re communicating more efficiently and we’re becoming more productive in our workflow. Technology has become an influential factor. It’s a rarity for someone to leave the house without their mobile phone.

Virtually all modern technology saves time and energy. Instead of having to stay in the office, as workers did little more than a decade ago, business people can take calls on the go and also they can communicate wih anyone in any corner of the world. Electronic readers help business traveler’s access newspapers, mobile messages and the Internet quite simply. This makes traveling less cumbersome, because paper materials can stay in the office and so on. Emailing business associates from an electronic device means there is no need to return to the office after work if we're traveling around town or already headed home.

 One disadvantage to technology is it’s possible to actually slow down work with it, here there is an example. Checking one’s email too often negatively affects productivity. It’s good to stay focused in making 20 calls versus checking email every 15 minutes. Distractions, such as phone calls, are often best managed by voice mail, Employees, however, hurt relationships with clients and slow down business projects when voice messages pile up which are some of the weak side here. For more

Sunday 25 February 2018

Advantages of Business Process Outsourcing

The top main advantage include  more efficiency. For example, a client company interested in outsourcing some of their functions can use a partner like My Bpo Business, which brings expert delivery of complicated outsourced products and years of experience with business practices to the table. The client company can be assured of getting a better job done with such a companies understanding and knowledge of what is needed. Also the levels of productivity for that company will jump up which leads to.
here include cost benefits. One of the most glaring and clearly perceptible advantages of business process outsourcing (BPO) which is the cost saving factor. It is possible to have the same function done at a lower price and possibly with better quality. Since it is being handled by specific professionals. Because of the difference in payment for work between Eastern Europe and Western Europe, the same kind of work, like call center projects, can be done in two different countries with one country  there costing a fraction of the price that the other requires. For example, we can gain a cost saving of 30% and above by using business process outsourcing (BPO) services like My Bpo Business or a BPO company in Poland. Here we can assure that Low cost does not translate to low quality as a lot of these professional companies offer high class output. Focus on more efficiency, contributing to achieving the overall goals of that company core functions. Outsourcing some of our business functions as work from home jobs offers or to a foreign or domestic BPO projects company allows room for more research and development, building the brand and simultaneous development of infrastructure.
A company handling call center projects will have all the equipment and standard facilities needed for the job saving us the cost and energy to do so ourself. Save on technology and infrastructure which means the outsourcing partner will handle everything about the business process and so there is no need to invest in infrastructure for that purpose. We have no more need to recruit and train assets from our company for the job that others can handle as part time jobs or a BPO company project. A BPO company will have a pool of employees and resources for our call enter projects, data entry projects and all other outsourcing needs. These resources will be experienced and skilled in handling the job.
Quicker and superior services in which we  can get higher quality deliverables and reduce the lead time for your products to reach your target market when we hire a call center franchise or any other BPO company. This will unavoidably improve our service offerings. Transforming our ideas into products and delivering value-added propositions in a better way is a good advantage to hope for. They can Round-the-clock operations. Apart from cost saving advantages, the time difference between the country of the client company and that of the BPO company can be a benefit. Therefore, the time difference between those countries can make round-the-clock operations available to the client company. Outsourced inbound BPO projects can mean the client company gets their services rendered during closing hours and very early in the morning in which these advanatage is a huge benefit. For more

Advantages of using Information technology

Information technology (IT) benefits the business world and it allows organizations to work more efficiently and to maximize productivity and so on. In business, people look for ways to do more work in a shorter amount of time and it should be only possible through the development of Information Technology . Faster communication, electronic storage and the protection of records are advantages that IT can have on our enterprise.  IT is driven by the demands of the new, competitive business environment on the one hand and profound changes in the nature of computers in the other. Information Technology systems come in the shape of many technologically advanced devices which help deliver important information to managers  and thus they use this information to make crucial decision regarding the operations of their organization. IT  has to do with computer applications, on which nearly every work environment is dependent.
 Since computerized systems are so widely used, it is advantageous to incorporate information technology into our organization. Information technology creates electronic storage systems to protect our company's valuable records. Secure maintenance of customer and patient files is vital to business integrity. Set of tools, processes, and methodologies (such as coding/programming, data communications, data conversion, storage and retrieval, systems analysis and design, systems control) and associated equipment employed to collect, process, and present information which is included in the Information Technology.
 Storage systems, such as virtual vaults, keep information safe by only allowing certain users within our company to access, withdraw, add or change the documents. IT security engineering systems protect our electronic information from being hacked, or wiped out during a technological disaster. Electronic security engineering means our valuable records will remain untouchable. Information technology improves our company's efficiency by developing automated processes to take burden off our staff. In turn, our employees are free to work on other things while the computer runs their reports, creates queries, tracks projects and monitors financials.
 IT systems give us remote access to our company’s electronic network, so that we can work from home or on the road. This accessibility allows us to increase our productivity because we  can still get work done, even when we aren’t physically in the office. Communication is essential to the business world, and information technology gives our company the resources it needs to communicate quickly and effectively. Our IT department can hook our employees up with email, video conferencing equipment and internal chat rooms, so that they always have an efficient way to conduct business and communicate. For more

Latest developments in information technology

Today the changing of the market is fast due to the entry of Information Technology. IT infrastructure generally important in all organizations.  Therefore companies and organizations need to be updated to keep pace with the changes and besides that, issues and challenges that an organization face couldn't be neglect which it may be the major problem for decision making. Cloud computing has taken commercial computing by storm as an emerging technology and business paradigm.
The latest trend of IT world is cloud computing. They  allows user of an organization to download software from the web. And also they generally saves a lot of money from purchasing new software. The benefits of owning cloud computing services was mainly used in the field of business. To own a service we need to know what the service is about, and also understand how the service or system works. Cloud computing platforms provide easy access to a company's high performance computing. They also help instorage infrastructure through web services. It is  one of the new method that shares basic framework. Make the computing be assigned in a great number of distributed computers, rather than local computer or remoter serveris considered as one of the main principle of cloud computing. And also the running of the enterprise's data center is just like Internet. This can makes the enterprise use the resource in the application that is needed, and access computer and storage system according to the requirement.

Basically cost or money will plays the most important role in an organization to avoid elimination and stay competitive.  Keep track with the updated hardware and software will always affected an organization's budget. The change is fast and it's costly. Money is the main obstruct here. Understanding a technical area as complex. Cloud computing is not easy and requires identifying its fundamental characteristics. Clear concepts and terminology into cloud computing helps.  But do not entirely solve the problem of how to design, develop and adopt a cloud computing system.

Cloud computing comes into the market is for every user convenient and  there are still a lot of matters need to be take care of like, the budget and size of company, whether is suitable to use cloud computing. Cloud computing is beneficial but will also examine the company's need of the service. Information moves with incredible speed across and between networks and the cloud, making sensitive information challenging to track and locate through these process . And with an IT infrastructure that is virtual and shared via the cloud, organisations must learn new ways to throw light on to risks, threats and compliance performance, which is the one of the needed thing.
Here,the cloud computing is one of the latest trend in the field of IT.There also include many application field of cloud computing, such as, it do not need user's high level equipment, so it reduces the user's cost. It provides secure and dependable data storage center and can realize data share through different equipments and puts forward some solutions, and discusses the future of cloud computing. In other ways, we can say that Cloud computing is a computing style that provides power referenced with IT as a service. Users can enjoy the service even they knows nothing about the technology of cloud computing and the professional knowledge in this field and the power to control it. For more

Saturday 24 February 2018

Information technology-World’s communication platform

IT involves many things. IT is driven by the demands of the new, competitive business environment on the one hand and profound changes in the nature of computers in the other. Information Technology systems come in the shape of many technologically advanced devices which help deliver important information to managers  and thus they use this information to make crucial decision regarding the operations of their organization. It includes and encompasses within itself the whole technological, social and cultural phenomena that promise an excellent future for mankind.  21st century is a century of Information Technology.
Technology is the fastest growing and advancing thing in our economy today. Almost everything is based on computers or some other form of technology.  Computers are constantly being update and a computer system can be out of date in a matter of months.  There was a time when it was difficult to disseminate knowledge, news and messages travelled at the pace of post horses. Then the invention of  telegraphy changed everything.   Just as steam engine emerged to be the technology of the 19th century and computer technology enhanced the capacity of human brain in the 20th century, such as now Information Technology is the in-thing in the 21 century.
Set of tools, processes, and methodologies (such as coding/programming, data communications, data conversion, storage and retrieval, systems analysis and design, systems control) and associated equipment employed to collect, process, and present information which isincluded in th Information Technology. IT also includes office automation, multimedia, and telecommunications. The basis of the now generation of Information Technology, a source we call the computer, that can show us what information via tele- portal, scoping, wording calibration for transmitting throughout the world. For more

Future information technology trends

Information technology has been one of the most encouraging research areas throughout the world over the past two decades. From commerce and government to scientific discovery, healthcare, education, entertainment, and environmental management, information technology is developed.
The main aim of  the intelligent computing techniques as well as the emerging applications of information technology is to unify the picture of contemporary intelligent computing techniques as an integral concept that highlights the trends in advanced computational intelligence and bridges theoretical research with applications.
Information technology trends include roadmap for achieving the vision of artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, evolutionary computing, information retrieval, computational neuroscience and bioscience, soft computing, human computer interface issues, and so forth. IT is driven by the demands of the new, competitive business environment on the one hand and profound changes in the nature of computers in the other. Information Technology systems come in the shape of many technologically advanced devices which help deliver important information to managers  and thus they use this information to make crucial decision regarding the operations of their organization. It includes and encompasses within itself the whole technological, social and cultural phenomena that promise an excellent future for mankind.  21st century is a century of Information Technology. The internet would be more extensive and intensive for getting information and for conveying anything to any corner of the world. Nano chips would be filled in our bodies  monitor and control body functions which is one of the greatest technology .The future of   technology is bright. There are more sophisticated machines to help us disseminate knowledge.  Cellphones would be enable us to send or receive messages, listen to songs, watch movies and T.V. programmes, do net-surfing, and many other things. Like wise computers would provide us all information and act as our brains. Everything would be at a huge cost. In the era of quick information, Technology will play the major role in evryones life. For more

New developments and emerging in Information Technology

New developments and emerging in Information Technology includes a lot. Internet Of Things and Nano sensors are one of them.  Growing technology doesn’t need plummeting gadgets instead requires the higher tech gadgets which can be easily occupied with IOT and some of the nano sensors in gadgets. Around 30 billion of connected devices can be comprised by 2020 with the use of IOT. So definitely it’s one of the emerging tech in the future which gives the vast support in many of the streams. Block Chain is most secured way to protect all the details of electronic transaction. Its a large database where E-transactions are securely recorded and verified and can widely used in the digital currencies like Bitcoin Wiki is the future global economy and third party organisations will no longer be necessary. Next is the Grid scale energy storage. Here It includes new battery technologies such as sodium ion and zinc - air which are more efficient and affordable .It can make large scale power storage possible and facilitate the use of renewable energy. Also It may makes our smartphone to stand longer too.

Autonomous Vehicles  are the more pleasurable than sitting back on our own vehicle and relaxing without a driver . It is possible with this kind of autonomous vehicles more over even google is working on this. Development of self driving cars is accelerating with a great speed in the tech world  now and companies like Tesla already started producing consumer models. Organs-On-Chips are miniature models that can effectively emulate human organs allowing new drugs to be tested more accurately and replacing animal testing . Perovskite Solar cells are the new kind of cells that are more efficient in storing the large amount of solar energy, thus increasing the amount of the solar energy that is to be consumed.

Imagine turning some of our neurons on at some point of view and turning them down at some point which is indirectly controlling our emotions and addictions. This is possible only by Optogenetics  and Neuro scientists can selectively turn neurons on and off with a great level of precision. Likewise many of the mental disorders can be suppressed. Artificial intelligence of course adds up in this list as this the mere future of Tech and AI technologies that understands speech, text, financial behavior and health conditions will soon be providing assistance and support equal to superior to human personal assistant. These are some of the emerging technologies in the present Tech world. Also there include 2D Materials,  Systems metabolic engineering etc. For more