Tuesday 27 February 2018

How Information Technology will change the world?

Over the past few years technology has taken over the world. Technology is vital in today’s world and makes everything easier. Some examples are the computer, television, cell phone, and video game systems etc. Technology has influenced people and their daily lives.

Education has enhanced in schools and today learning as well as teaching has improved and became easier. Technology has also helped children with learning by providing computers and so on. Computers allow access to multiple programs as well through the internet. The programs created by Microsoft have greatly improved education. Work can be done  faster by using Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word spell-checks and corrects the work, which makes the preparation of content more easier for students. PowerPoint and Excel have improved the overall work. It provides an easy way to present and stay organized with charts, graphs etc.

Computers have made job searching and getting a job stress-free through the advanced network. People can go on a company’s website and apply right then. People can as well send resumes online through email to a company which makes job seeking easier for all which also allows quick and easy replies to getting the job. Technological change can bring about advantages and opportunities for businesses also. New technology can create new products and services, thereby creating entire new markets for a business. Improvements in technological products and processes can increase productivity and reduce costs.

Technology has made an impact on retail. Now-a-days people do not need to leave their houses in order to get what they want due to the development in technology. For example, there is no more need to go to the mall if one can order clothes and any wanted  online. There is no longer any need to get tired from walking around the malls. Telephones have also improved the lives of people by making communication   more easier. Now people can keep in touch with others in every corner of the world with just the dial of a button.

Cell phones have as well made this a lot easier by allowing a call to be made from anywhere. Texting has developed though cell phones allowing communication quiet easier. Latest technology include Fibre Optics, Cellphone technology, Personal Computing, Nano Robots, Satellite Communications, Solar Cells, the Internet of Things. These technologies not only make improvements in life of people but also in the whole world too. For more

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