Thursday 22 February 2018

Web application attack prevention

Web application may is an application which is served mostly through the http and the https protocol that is mainly serviced from the remote computers acting as the server or the host. These may interrupt the operations of the website, inhibit the security as well as the performance of the website and in the worst case, thus it can affect the website totally. The most common web application threats include Cross site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, DDoS attacks, Cookie poisoning etc. XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) is the most common type of computer security vulnerability, with a huge number of web applications that are online today. They are also vulnerable to malicious script. It allows attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability are used by attackers to bypass access controls, which could cause serious problems for our users.  An intelligent Web Application Firewall (WAF) can shield these vulnerabilities considered as one of the main prevention method.
DDoS stands for a denial-of-service commonly known, a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS). This attack is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users which can make our website run unbearably slow, or worst-case scenario, take it offline completely. Reliable and well-reviewed DDoS protection tool is the best defence against DDos Attacks.SQL Injections is the one of the most serious type of attack on the internet and here these attacks take advantage of web application vulnerabilities to gain control of databases and all of the information contained within them. Here any web application which stores data will use one or more databases to hold that information and recall it when necessary. For example it should be names, e-mail addresses, postal addresses, telephone numbers, credit card details, bank information, and much more.

We should practice regular auditing and remediation of our application to keep your databases secure and also many web applications use cookies to save user information such as logins, passwords, and account emails. Next is the Cookie poisoning which  allows the attacker to modify the valid cookie and gain false authorisation to information about another user and go on to steal our information. Clearing stored cookies from our browser regularly will ensure that there is nothing for anybody to hijack. Always avoid signing up for sites and or newsletters that we don’t trust or won’t use again is considered as one of the another method. Today’s Internet can be a battleground, especially with web sites and applications growing as rapidly as there include lot for the prevention of it. For more

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